Warrington Quiz League


Only Connect Series 10

Now on BBC2!

Parasol Media are now casting for the upcoming 10th series of 'Only Connect' which now returns to BBC Two.

They are looking for teams of three players who share a common passion, ability or profession, who wish to pool their combined wits and knowledge to tackle their fiendish conundrums and vexing puzzles. 'Only Connect' is the quiz show that combines general knowledge and lateral thinking and they are looking for contestants who thrive in these skills and are looking for a new and exciting challenge on a TV show.

For further information about the quiz and to play the online game please visit the BBC website at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00lskhg

If you have any questions about the contestant call please get in touch by sending an email to: onlyconnect@parasolmedia.co.uk

The closing date for applications is March 24th, 2014.

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